SnowPro Core Exam Guide


With our FREE SnowPro
Core Certification Guide!

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In this guide I help you prepare for your SnowPro cert with what I believe the be the MOST comprehensive FREE guide out there!

I know from personal experience how much of a struggle it is to find high value, practical advice on Snowflake.

My aim is to help take you from wasting time looking for solutions, to becoming a Snowflake expert and avoiding costly pitfalls along the way!

Over 40 pages containing

  • About the Exam
  • ​Exam Topics
  • ​Snowflake Overview and Architecture
  • Data Movement
  • ​Accounts and Security
  • Data Sharing
  • ​Performance and Tuning
  • ​Storage and Protection
  • ​Streams & Tasks
  • ​Working with Semi-Structured data
Yes, I need you to help me pass the test!

Disclaimer: We are not affiliated or authorised by Snowflake in any way.

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